HDFS Commands

1.mkdir path


2. -ls path


3. -lsr path


4. -cp path  


5. -rm -r path


6. -chmod path


7. -put localSrc dest and -copyFromLocal localSrc dest 


8.  -moveFromLocal localSrc destination


9. -cat path/filename


10. -du path


11.  -count path 


12. -touchz path


12. -get and -copyToLocal


1. -mkdir path

Create a  directory in HDFS specified by the path.

2.  -ls path
Lists the contents of the directory specified by the path. Showing the names, permissions, owner, size and modification date for each entry.

3. -lsr path
It behaves liks -ls. but recursively displays entries in all subdirectories of path.

4. -cp path
This command copies the content from one directory to another directory in HDFS

5. -rm -r path

Remove the file or directory, specified by the path.

6. -chmod path
 This command changes the permission of directory and file.
In this example we changed the permission of prabhat directory to 777.  

7. -put localSrc dest and -copyFromLocal localSrc dest 

Copy the file from the local file system to the HDFS system. 
     -put command allows reading from stdin(Standard Input).
     -copyFromLocal command allows only local references as a source.

8. -moveFromLocal localSrc destination
Copies the file or directory from the local file system identified by localSrc to dest within HDFS, then delete the file from local directory.

9. -cat path/filename
Displays the content of filename.

10. -du path
Show disk usage in bytes, for file which match the path.

11. -count path
This command will count the directories specified by the path.

12. -touchz path
This command is used to create a file of length zero(0-bytes). This command is similar to the UNIX 'touch' command.

13. -get and -copyToLocal
These command copies from HDFS to the local file system. 

Using -copyToLocal command

Using -get Command

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