Modi's challenge w.r.t IT sector in India....

Narendra Modi's Challenge of Indian I.T.

Modi's IT Challenge

A week ago India selected it's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He was elected on the wave of a new beginning and development. But what would be the impact of Namo on Indian IT sector? IT sector is one of those few areas where India has a head start against the Chinese. The erstwhile government inspite of having an indifferent attitude towards IT companies, started a number of projects like Addhar card which was meant to give an identity to every Indian. But the UPA government was also hostile towards IT as it tried to curb the freedom of expression on social media by IT Act (sec 66).

The new Prime Minister is a tech savvy person. He is a regular tweeter and a constant blogger. He has more than 4.6 Million followers and more than 5K tweets. He regularly reviews the comments and suggestions that are posed on the micro blogging website. He understands that IT can be used to tackle the problem of corruption and increase transparency. In his tenure as a Gujarat CM he imbibed the use of technology in the day-to-day working of the government  such as registration of driving licence, land, issuing of birth and death certificate also. The PM also introduced virtual Janta Darbar where the problems of people were taken care of by video conferencing with the officials of the concerned department.

The new Prime Minister would have to address the following Challenges in IT sector: 

  1. Internet and Data security:- Many US and English companies have pointed out the faulty Indian security system. The higher most body of government IT department i.e. N.I.C is not equipped to handle cases of a digital war. The data that is collected by the government offices and other sources need to be protected from being hacked. The Chinese have already created an army of hackers that can start a digital war against any country. The Chinese have also been able to infiltrate into the USA server. Indian servers have lower security than the USA which makes them even more vulnerable.
  2. Free Wi-Fi zones throughout India:- Modi was able to create free Wi-Fi zones in all the major cities of Gujarat which raises people's expectations that he would have to replicate the same across India. Free WiFi zones is a trademark of all the major cities of the world. India would also need to create such zones in order to show case it self as an IT friendly country.
  3. Providing Internet connectivity at lower costs:- Internet has become a necessity thus the new government has to make sure that the rates and speed of Internet in India is managed properly. The speed of Internet in India lags in comparison to the rest of the world. Countries like USA and Japan are already using the 4G technology whereas India still has to adapt it self fully to the 3G technology. The pricing of Indian internet is also higher as compared to the more IT friendly countries.
  4. Increasing data connectivity:- The Modi government would need to increase the presence of Internet in India. Internet penetration is about  164.81 million users. The government would have to increase it in order to increase the IT industry's domestic production. The networking in rural areas is significantly low than that of its urban counterparts. Increasing the internet presence in  rural areas will directly result in larger markets for E-Commerce businesses.
  5. Local hardware production:- The majority of hardware used in IT sector is imported hardware so the new government would have to work upon boosting the indigenous production of hardware. If there is a monopoly of foreign countries over hardware production then the pricing of that hardware can affect the Indian IT industry.
  6. IT education:- If the new government wants to curb the corruption manse within IT technology then it will have to initiate an IT education program where people can learn how to use a computer. This should be specifically aimed at the Rural adult.
IT industry is here to stay and grow, the new Government has to make sure that India leads the way in making IT hubs by addressing the problems stated above.
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