Hadoop Summit 2014 -San Jose, California

Hadoop Summit 2014    -San Jose, California

Data, the origin of knowledge, offering us insights at our finger tips, in every heart beat and in the very air we breathe but sometimes we can all see out of reach, upside down and disconnect. We being searching for clues in the dark, forcing us to take only what we can carry but then how much inside is lost and how do we know what we don't know. The shift is perspective. Knowledge can come into focus and everything can change. Hadoop tool is reshaping the world of data, transforming the great unknown into a revolution of what can be known. Action, reaction, evolution, unlocking the data, setting knowledge free, discovering patterns, answering the questions we never mean to ask, leaving no data behind as we journey with Hadoop to yarn found horizons.

                                                          - Welcome to Hadoop Summit 2014

Questions which are raised in Hadoop Summit - 2014

1. Answers to the business with big data

Big data is something on the proof of concept phase so we're trying to see how big data would benefit our enterprise at various firms in the business intelligence organization which is trying to see how we could benefit from big data. So we're looking for big data as cause efficient replacement of some of the data warehouse we've used, which are of high cost. We're looking for replacement on some components at least on the upstream components of ETL with big data.

Big data is gonna be very beneficial as we have a lot of customers, using the data warehouse that we have. So once we got that data into our data warehouse, we are going to be able to get a lot more data. Now we'll have more retention for big data as purpose to proprietary. So hopefully with that, we'll be able to get more answers to the business partners we have, which will benefit our sales and marketing, finance and media components of any organizations. 

2. Moving towards big data 

So, right now we don't use big data at all, we're moving towards that. We just completed one of the proof of concept where we are going to move our transportation load from our conventional MPP (Massively Parallel Processing) platform to big data. That's where we're going to begin our journey with Hadoop & Big Data.

3. Gather and analyze disparate information

One of the things looking for big data to do is mainly to gather all disparate information from all disparate systems so routers, servers and torn-amatory data rom some of our remote systems and pull that all together and try to get analytics on that and that's one of the things we are interested in doing with big data solutions.


4. Big data strategy and customer use

Some of our challenges with big data are well, what we are going to do with first of all and then second how we are going to get that out to our users, will we be developing front end dashboards for them, are we allowing them free access to everything or just developing governance decisions we need to make.


5. Customer and order history data analysis

Whatever the history data, customer data that has just been organized and clocked into dust. Now we hope to do is to take it out on tape and put it on to the something we can actually run, and also try to find the customer's need, orders are coming and customer buys so many things together, we try to find some sense out of there like we'll follow the history by that we can analyze data, where customer is buying the specific items in any of the year or month. For that we can send them a coupon regarding the items in which they are having keen interest. Due to which we can provide customer satisfaction and grow our customers list.

The summit will help your business understand & utilize data-driven strategies and discover what disciplines will change because of the advent of data. With a vast amount of data now available, modern businesses are faced with the challenge of storage, management, analysis, privacy, visualization, security and disruptive tools & technologies.
Join 100+ of the industry's top minds at the world's largest executive led Big Data Summit and share challenges and best practices with pioneers in the data science field. Hear from 20+ speakers from Fortune 500 companies leading Big Data initiatives.
Who will you meet?
If your job role includes the following responsibilities then this is a MUST attend event :
  • Big Data
  • Data Mining
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Statistical Modelling
  • Enterprise Information Management
  • Data Quality
  • Unstructured Data
  • Data-driven Business
  • Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Cloud-based Data
  • NoSQL, Non-relational Databases and Hadoop
  • Data & Application Integration
  • Metadata
  • Modeling
  • Management & Methods
  • Agile Data
Why attend?
Rest assured, all of the burning issues surrounding Big Data will be dealt with in no holds barred discussions at this forward thinking summit. We look for real solutions to the real problems you face every day.
We know that the theories underpinning current developments in Big Data don't necessarily pan out in the real world, particularly when examined in a global context. Which is why we invite you to discuss your thoughts and feelings openly, and connect with like-minded people. The summit is a prime opportunity for you to air your personal and business challenges.
- See more at: http://theinnovationenterprise.com/summits/big-data-innovation-summit-toronto-2014/why-attend#sthash.ljDDsTsp.dpuf
The summit will help your business understand & utilize data-driven strategies and discover what disciplines will change because of the advent of data. With a vast amount of data now available, modern businesses are faced with the challenge of storage, management, analysis, privacy, visualization, security and disruptive tools & technologies.
Join 100+ of the industry's top minds at the world's largest executive led Big Data Summit and share challenges and best practices with pioneers in the data science field. Hear from 20+ speakers from Fortune 500 companies leading Big Data initiatives.
Who will you meet?
If your job role includes the following responsibilities then this is a MUST attend event :
  • Big Data
  • Data Mining
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Statistical Modelling
  • Enterprise Information Management
  • Data Quality
  • Unstructured Data
  • Data-driven Business
  • Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Cloud-based Data
  • NoSQL, Non-relational Databases and Hadoop
  • Data & Application Integration
  • Metadata
  • Modeling
  • Management & Methods
  • Agile Data
Why attend?
Rest assured, all of the burning issues surrounding Big Data will be dealt with in no holds barred discussions at this forward thinking summit. We look for real solutions to the real problems you face every day.
We know that the theories underpinning current developments in Big Data don't necessarily pan out in the real world, particularly when examined in a global context. Which is why we invite you to discuss your thoughts and feelings openly, and connect with like-minded people. The summit is a prime opportunity for you to air your personal and business challenges.
- See more at: http://theinnovationenterprise.com/summits/big-data-innovation-summit-toronto-2014/why-attend#sthash.ljDDsTsp.dpuf
The summit will help your business understand & utilize data-driven strategies and discover what disciplines will change because of the advent of data. With a vast amount of data now available, modern businesses are faced with the challenge of storage, management, analysis, privacy, visualization, security and disruptive tools & technologies.
Join 100+ of the industry's top minds at the world's largest executive led Big Data Summit and share challenges and best practices with pioneers in the data science field. Hear from 20+ speakers from Fortune 500 companies leading Big Data initiatives.
Who will you meet?
If your job role includes the following responsibilities then this is a MUST attend event :
  • Big Data
  • Data Mining
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Statistical Modelling
  • Enterprise Information Management
  • Data Quality
  • Unstructured Data
  • Data-driven Business
  • Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Cloud-based Data
  • NoSQL, Non-relational Databases and Hadoop
  • Data & Application Integration
  • Metadata
  • Modeling
  • Management & Methods
  • Agile Data
Why attend?
Rest assured, all of the burning issues surrounding Big Data will be dealt with in no holds barred discussions at this forward thinking summit. We look for real solutions to the real problems you face every day.
We know that the theories underpinning current developments in Big Data don't necessarily pan out in the real world, particularly when examined in a global context. Which is why we invite you to discuss your thoughts and feelings openly, and connect with like-minded people. The summit is a prime opportunity for you to air your personal and business challenges.
- See more at: http://theinnovationenterprise.com/summits/big-data-innovation-summit-toronto-2014/why-attend#sthash.ljDDsTsp.dpuf
The summit will help your business understand & utilize data-driven strategies and discover what disciplines will change because of the advent of data. With a vast amount of data now available, modern businesses are faced with the challenge of storage, management, analysis, privacy, visualization, security and disruptive tools & technologies.
Join 100+ of the industry's top minds at the world's largest executive led Big Data Summit and share challenges and best practices with pioneers in the data science field. Hear from 20+ speakers from Fortune 500 companies leading Big Data initiatives.
Who will you meet?
If your job role includes the following responsibilities then this is a MUST attend event :
  • Big Data
  • Data Mining
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Statistical Modelling
  • Enterprise Information Management
  • Data Quality
  • Unstructured Data
  • Data-driven Business
  • Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Cloud-based Data
  • NoSQL, Non-relational Databases and Hadoop
  • Data & Application Integration
  • Metadata
  • Modeling
  • Management & Methods
  • Agile Data
Why attend?
Rest assured, all of the burning issues surrounding Big Data will be dealt with in no holds barred discussions at this forward thinking summit. We look for real solutions to the real problems you face every day.
We know that the theories underpinning current developments in Big Data don't necessarily pan out in the real world, particularly when examined in a global context. Which is why we invite you to discuss your thoughts and feelings openly, and connect with like-minded people. The summit is a prime opportunity for you to air your personal and business challenges.
- See more at: http://theinnovationenterprise.com/summits/big-data-innovation-summit-toronto-2014/why-attend#sthash.ljDDsTsp.dpuf
The summit will help your business understand & utilize data-driven strategies and discover what disciplines will change because of the advent of data. With a vast amount of data now available, modern businesses are faced with the challenge of storage, management, analysis, privacy, visualization, security and disruptive tools & technologies.
Join 100+ of the industry's top minds at the world's largest executive led Big Data Summit and share challenges and best practices with pioneers in the data science field. Hear from 20+ speakers from Fortune 500 companies leading Big Data initiatives.
Who will you meet?
If your job role includes the following responsibilities then this is a MUST attend event :
  • Big Data
  • Data Mining
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Statistical Modelling
  • Enterprise Information Management
  • Data Quality
  • Unstructured Data
  • Data-driven Business
  • Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Cloud-based Data
  • NoSQL, Non-relational Databases and Hadoop
  • Data & Application Integration
  • Metadata
  • Modeling
  • Management & Methods
  • Agile Data
Why attend?
Rest assured, all of the burning issues surrounding Big Data will be dealt with in no holds barred discussions at this forward thinking summit. We look for real solutions to the real problems you face every day.
We know that the theories underpinning current developments in Big Data don't necessarily pan out in the real world, particularly when examined in a global context. Which is why we invite you to discuss your thoughts and feelings openly, and connect with like-minded people. The summit is a prime opportunity for you to air your personal and business challenges.
- See more at: http://theinnovationenterprise.com/summits/big-data-innovation-summit-toronto-2014/why-attend#sthash.ljDDsTsp.dpuf
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