Google Panda 4.0 New Update Released

Panda 4.0

Google officials announced new update of Panda 4.0 previous month on 21st May, 2014. In this new update of Panda 4.0 it provides better rankings for high quality site and reduce the ranking for lower-quality site. Basically, Panda update is designed to target those pages which are not of great-quality and provide best ranking and preference to higher-quality pages.

Google Panda is designed for the purpose of bringing their content and high-quality sites on the top of Search Engine Rankings.

Google's Matt Cutts said that on Search Engine, Panda 4.0 update impacts about 7.5% of English queries.

Google Panda is a filter which is used for filtering of low-quality sites and/or pages, prevents from ranking well and return high-quality sites near the top position in search result.

In high quality sites the original contents and information are written such as research work, detailed reports, depth analysis and so on and lower quality sites having low-value content, copy contents from other pages and websites.

Google pose a series of questions which are used to determine whether the content or an article in the website is panda-proof and provide some guidance.  

  • - Do you trust the information presented in this article?
  • - Do the provided articles and contents have any errors like spelling error or factual errors?
  • - Is the provided article written by an expert, who knows all the detailed information related to the concerned topic?
  • - For any health related question or queries, would you trust this site?
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