Big Data and E-Learning

Big Data refers to the expansive and complex data generated which is difficult to handle using traditional systems. Big Data, in today's scenario is a very useful tool in providing creative insights into data that was not possible before. Big Data has been a buzzword for a number of years, with several industries banking upon the Big Data technology. Now, this technology can also be used to improve

The basic principle underlying the use of Big Data is the fact that human behaviour can be predicted through trends. Through data mining and analyzing, it is possible to extract huge amounts of information about an individual learner. When the target is an individual, it is also convenient to predict future behaviour, even with limited information.

 Big Data can help in enriching the E-Learning process by personalizing the learning content or courses for students, thereby increasing student participation. Instructors would be able to get information such as the number of times a learner views a particular topic, which would help the instructor understand if the learner is having difficulty with the topic and needs special attention.

The technology can also be used by instructors to gather general trends seen among learners, which might help them in modifying or updating their courses to best suit the requirements of students. Big Data can provide instructors with useful information such as the time when most of the students are logged in, or countries (or regions) from which most of the students are attending a particular course, which may tell them when and from where does a particular course drive the most traffic, or among which type of learners is it the most popular, further giving them insights into how future courses should be shaped accordingly. 

Instructors can also use Big Data analytics to know what forms of content, methods and presentation designs are more successful in instructing learners. Using this knowledge, they can restructure their courses, and also remove or improve any shortcomings in their content. 

Big Data hence proves to be a very valuable asset for both players - the learners and the instructors, in the E - Learning process. If the data administrators are able to deploy Big Data technologies to accumulate useful information and effectively collect relevant results, they can contribute a great deal in improvising the E - Learning process for instructors, while also creating a better experience for learners.  
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